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Mostrando entradas de abril, 2018

My Autobiography

I was born in the autumn of April 19, in the year 2000 in Calama and I lived there until 2017. In 2018 I began to live in Santiago. I went in two different high school: Adventista College and Diego Portales Lyceum, where in Diego Portales I finished my studies.  Currently, I'm studying at University of Chile and my major is Dentistry. I choose this major because i feel that contents many elements, is the perfect combination in which you can mix medicine with arths and the most important, you can return the smile to people. In my opinion, the smile is a soul expression, which is unique for each person and let them to sociabilize. Really i love the wonderful chance of live that led me to start to studying this mayor. Everytime what i feel so sad and tired i remember these reasons. There are so many reasons to smile and go ahead. I like to cook, i would say that is my favorite hobbie, as a ride a bike and walk.  I have a pet, it is a poodle toy called Issis Helena, i