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Things that I enjoy to do on my free time

#10. Final Blog

My experience with English has been really gratifying because I have had good teachers who are very good at using the language and have encouraged us the importance of their management for our future professional, which of course has always made me feel proud to belong to this university and be a daughter of Bello. Still, I'm frustrated by the fact that it costs me to speak the language even more than writing it, I'm really much better at writing in English than speaking it. Like when I order all the ideas that I have in my head and try to talk really I can not and I block. Anyway I feel that this is pure practice and at some point I will be able to refine this aspect a little better, anyway I never had a very good base of English at school and I really believe that it is a merit to at least know how to write and understand some basic notions. The use of blogs I really find that it is super dynamic, in fact it relaxes me enough to do it, the fact of writing aspects of

#9. Changes to your study program

To begin I would like to say that everything I will say below is part of my perception regarding the study program in the year that I have already completed and approved (finally :D) and partly some comments I have heard from classmates of higher grades. In the first place, it is extremely well known that the academic load that exists in this university exceeds the humanly possible limits (that is, I did not have life all year, thanks for nothing university), even though this disadvantage is not solutions occur in this regard, only improve a little the distribution of time, because in the first year (I do not know if in other years) a single day in the week we had 5 different classes and sometimes more than one evaluation in one day, usually this happened on Monday. A subject that I would really restructure would be "Anatomical and Biological Bases of Face and Neck", which has as prerequisites to have approved "Anatomical Bases" and "Biological Bases&

#8. Summer Holidays

In relation with my last holidays I have had the luck these have always been with my family and I always enjoyed it. Since 2012 my father had holidays on summer in his work with exception on 2016, but anyway I enjoyed it too. I have traveled to Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia and Paraguay and I really convinced that someday I will return those countries because I love a lot. Last year, bored for always going to the countries that I mentioned earlier, we decided to get to know a bit of South of Chile, which I knew a little more for my study tour finishing high school. We visited Chiloe Island and we stayed there for some days, we also knew Osorno, Valdivia, Pucón, Puerto Varas, Puerto Montt, among others. Even one day out of nowhere we crossed the border into Argentina to get to know Bariloche since it was quite interesting to know that place, but I would say it is better to visit it in winter because in summer it is very hot. In the holidays that we will have this year a

#7. GPOY, gratuitous picture of yourself

To begin, I had no idea that GPOY exists, just like a super creative idea to write a post, I loved <3 !. In addition, it is sometimes necessary to write about sentimental things (although I do not usually do so) because it still revives the soul. The photo that I just placed was taken at the beginning of the year 2017 and it is quite significant for me because it touched the deepest part of my heart. In those times I was in my third year of volunteering at the Chilean Red Cross in Calama, unfortunately this year I had to leave for university, but it's something I really love besides studying dentistry and making cakes (yes, I think I'm a person something scattered). That day I remember that we were in emergency operation because the region was in a state of emergency due to the rampant and strange weather, as in the north of the country it does not rain very often we are not very prepared to face these changes climate, so that several sectors were affect

#6. Postgraduate studies

Hi! As I mentioned in the previous post, a postgraduate that I would like to take would be the specialty of Pathology and Oral Medicine or implantology. The truth as it is just the beginnings of my university life and even more so in this career, I know the specialties that it offers and it really is a lot of options that it contemplates, I have a basic notion of what each of them consists of, but in spite of it I know every specialty with depth. I am struck by the specialty of implantology because it is one that seeks in some way or other to return the patient part of his smile, giving the notion that yes, it is possible to smile again despite having been some damage that compromised the vital integrity of their teeth, in addition to reestablishing the relationships in their craniofacial skeleton, since the majority of the people is not informed about this, the form is a bonus of the function, and if the teeth don’t have complete integrity it can generate lots of disorders t