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Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2018

#7. GPOY, gratuitous picture of yourself

To begin, I had no idea that GPOY exists, just like a super creative idea to write a post, I loved <3 !. In addition, it is sometimes necessary to write about sentimental things (although I do not usually do so) because it still revives the soul. The photo that I just placed was taken at the beginning of the year 2017 and it is quite significant for me because it touched the deepest part of my heart. In those times I was in my third year of volunteering at the Chilean Red Cross in Calama, unfortunately this year I had to leave for university, but it's something I really love besides studying dentistry and making cakes (yes, I think I'm a person something scattered). That day I remember that we were in emergency operation because the region was in a state of emergency due to the rampant and strange weather, as in the north of the country it does not rain very often we are not very prepared to face these changes climate, so that several sectors were affect

#6. Postgraduate studies

Hi! As I mentioned in the previous post, a postgraduate that I would like to take would be the specialty of Pathology and Oral Medicine or implantology. The truth as it is just the beginnings of my university life and even more so in this career, I know the specialties that it offers and it really is a lot of options that it contemplates, I have a basic notion of what each of them consists of, but in spite of it I know every specialty with depth. I am struck by the specialty of implantology because it is one that seeks in some way or other to return the patient part of his smile, giving the notion that yes, it is possible to smile again despite having been some damage that compromised the vital integrity of their teeth, in addition to reestablishing the relationships in their craniofacial skeleton, since the majority of the people is not informed about this, the form is a bonus of the function, and if the teeth don’t have complete integrity it can generate lots of disorders t

#5. My future job

Hi bloggers, today I will talk you about a little part of my future dream job which really, I don’t have some idea how it will be, but the only thing I hope is that it is the best experience for me. Clearly practice in the major I'm studying, dentistry, otherwise it would not make sense, also I love this major and I have a thousand reasons to do it. But I think it would be nice to work on something else that I'm also passionate about, which is pastry, just as this passion is strange because I discovered it recently and incredibly, I think that I have the ability to do it (but is a secret to my parents hahah, they will never know). For the major I study, it would be difficult to have an outdoor job, but why not after working outdoor recreation, it is also a good option. Really one of the things that I like the most is traveling, not only because of the fact knowing new places and suddenly taking a break because of the tense or complicated that the year has been, but al

#4. What are you really into?

I have to admit that I don't have momentary obsessions, because I don't spend much time on it (I hate you a lot university, thank you for nothing), but when I have free time, I like riding a bike a lot especially in the north of Chile. Definitely, I’m in love with the north and I would dare to say that someday I will return.  Before, I enjoyed a lot working with my friend selling makeup products. I worked with my friend around one year and a half, and it was entertaining to learn about how mix some colors and try to beautify the face of people (although definitely some people don’t come to make up much, I believe in natural beauty). Anyway, it’s great to restore self-esteem to people and I never thought that makeup techniques were so complicated, however, I decided to study in the university and I must to leave the job.  It could be say that all my life I had the odd obsession or rather a fondness for certain activities, but none of them has remained in time, it could