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#7. GPOY, gratuitous picture of yourself

To begin, I had no idea that GPOY exists, just like a super creative idea to write a post, I loved <3 !. In addition, it is sometimes necessary to write about sentimental things (although I do not usually do so) because it still revives the soul.

The photo that I just placed was taken at the beginning of the year 2017 and it is quite significant for me because it touched the deepest part of my heart. In those times I was in my third year of volunteering at the Chilean Red Cross in Calama, unfortunately this year I had to leave for university, but it's something I really love besides studying dentistry and making cakes (yes, I think I'm a person something scattered).

That day I remember that we were in emergency operation because the region was in a state of emergency due to the rampant and strange weather, as in the north of the country it does not rain very often we are not very prepared to face these changes climate, so that several sectors were affected.

Practically we had not slept at all during the night to give aid and protection to those who were disconsolate to lose everything they had at their disposition. While as an institution we were assisting, a police procedure was taking place, where a man had disappeared in the river and they were looking for his body. Meanwhile, we continue doing our work until a five years old boy called Damian approaches me and asks if I have seen his father somewhere because he couldn't find him.

It is difficult to explain such a situation to a child, especially if you do not know anything about the body, nor did he understand why in his tent there were so many "men in green" asking so many questions. I tried hard to explain, I told him that maybe his father had stopped being in the world, and he still did not understand, so I told him that his father had traveled to a better world to take care of him and protect him from all the bad things that could happen to him. in life because I loved him with all his heart. In this the child replies: "I understand, but why would I travel to another place if he can take care of me and be with me at the same time?" And I told him that even though his father did not think it was enough to take care of him, that's why Immediately the child with a smile looked at me and pointed to the sky and said: "then my father is there in heaven with the father of all" (apparently the child was a believer), and I I said yes and he gave me a tremendous hug that shook the depths of my heart and stayed with me until we finished the operation, it was hard to say goodbye to him and leave him, but I swear I will never forget him!!


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