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#10. Final Blog

My experience with English has been really gratifying because I have had good teachers who are very good at using the language and have encouraged us the importance of their management for our future professional, which of course has always made me feel proud to belong to this university and be a daughter of Bello.

Still, I'm frustrated by the fact that it costs me to speak the language even more than writing it, I'm really much better at writing in English than speaking it. Like when I order all the ideas that I have in my head and try to talk really I can not and I block. Anyway I feel that this is pure practice and at some point I will be able to refine this aspect a little better, anyway I never had a very good base of English at school and I really believe that it is a merit to at least know how to write and understand some basic notions.

The use of blogs I really find that it is super dynamic, in fact it relaxes me enough to do it, the fact of writing aspects of my life even knowing that it is difficult for someone to read them, but at the same time it is a benefit to myself in the field to free myself, express myself and eventually get rid of many academic loads on top of me, in addition to learning a little about English vocabulary :).

English at least I do not use it much in my daily life, eventually when I look at catalogs or posts in instagram about specialties, treatments and dental diagnoses, what. Next year we will have a subject called "Odontology based on evidence" that has prerequisites to have approved English II, most likely here I will use English and test all my knowledge I have learned in these subjects.

Thank u for reading!


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