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A subject I enjoy

As this is my first year in the university in this major, I haven't studied many subjects in it yet, we haven't even finished the semester, but within them we find 5 mainly, 3 of them for basic sciences and the rest for Anatomy and Skills development and self-care for professional practice of which my favourite subject is Skills.

It is my favorite subject because I feel it is the one that brings you closer from the first semester to what is the major itself and is one of the most important (not to mention the most important because I think it is), in this subject teaches you notions of the world of dentistry and you will internalize with it, you have practical and theoretical classes where the most important in the final note are the practices. For my part, I feel that I have learned much more in the practical classes than in the theoretical ones, because they are the most important because they are the basic knowledge we should have when attending a patient. I definitely feel that the most significant learning at the moment we are students is the kinesic, in which you had to spend time to stop a little and understand what you are doing and how you should do it and in practical classes that applies a lot, besides They are much more personalized and you have your teacher on hand to correct you in the process. Therefore, I declare from my heart that I love this subject <3!

Resultado de imagen para estudiante de odontologia vector


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