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#2. My favourite holidays

Hi!, I'm here again. Today i will tell us about my favourite holidays. 

Starting, it's too hard to write about these, because i always enjoy my holidays with my family; but definitely, i never forget when i left Chile during one month. It was the first time which i visited other country, Argentina and other places more.

Cataratas del Iguazú, Corrientes, Argentina (photo taked for me)

The trip was in the summer of 2012, i went to Salta, Corrientes, Tres Fronteras, Dique Cabracorral, Cataratas del Iguazú  and some of Paraguay. I went with my parents and younger brother. We went in our car and we were delay fourteen hours approximately to arrive Salta from to Calama.

I believe that this trip was only adrenaline of my part. It was the first time when i decided to throw me in jumping bungee and to this day i'm not regret of this. Also, we met a nice old argentinian gentleman, he called Alberto and we stay in his house in Salta during one month. He accompany us to visit the other places. Neither will i forget when we went to Cataratas del Iguazú and we finished completely wet after visiting the famous "Garganta del Diablo", a place very amazing and hart to forget.

This is a "Coati" a kind of racoon (but more fragant hahahah), it is a native specie of the place, it is characterized for stealing some objects from tourists who pass through the place. 

He is my younger brother, Matías. In this photo he was 8 years old. Corrently he is 12.

It was the best trip for me because i learn to met other ways to think and definitely, although Argentina and Chile are neighbor countries all is too different. There are only a couple of kilometers and a border to separate us. 


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